
What are the differences between cherry mx red and brown switches in terms of speed and accuracy for gaming?

Cherry MX Red and Brown switches are two of the most popular types of mechanical keyboard switches, especially among gamers, due to their unique characteristics that cater to different preferences in feel and performance. Here’s a breakdown of how these switches differ, particularly in terms of speed and accuracy for gaming:

Cherry MX Red Switches


  • Type: Linear
  • Actuation Force: 45 cN (centi-Newtons)
  • Travel Distance: Typically around 2 mm to actuation, 4 mm total travel

Speed: Cherry MX Red switches are known for their smooth, linear keypress with no tactile bump. This allows for quicker actuation as there is less resistance throughout the keypress. The linear nature makes them ideal for situations where quick, rapid key presses are necessary, as in many fast-paced games.

Accuracy: While Reds are quick, the lack of tactile feedback means that some gamers might find it slightly harder to know exactly when the key has been actuated without bottoming out. This could potentially affect precision for users not accustomed to linear switches.

Cherry MX Brown Switches


  • Type: Tactile
  • Actuation Force: 45 cN
  • Travel Distance: Typically around 2 mm to actuation, 4 mm total travel

Speed: Cherry MX Brown switches provide a balance between typing and gaming. They have a slight tactile bump at the point of actuation, which is felt right before the switch is fully depressed. This tactile feedback can help in games that require deliberate actions, but they might be slightly slower than Red switches due to the tactile bump.

Accuracy: The tactile bump of the Brown switches enhances accuracy by providing physical feedback, letting the gamer know exactly when the key has actuated without the need to bottom out. This can be particularly beneficial in strategic games where precision is more valuable than speed.


Both Cherry MX Red and Brown switches are excellent choices for gaming, but the best switch depends on personal preference and the type of games played:

  • Reds are better suited for fast-paced games where quick keypresses are crucial.
  • Browns offer a good middle ground, suitable for both gaming and typing, where tactile feedback can help improve accuracy without significantly compromising on speed.

At DURGOD, we provide a range of mechanical keyboards equipped with both Cherry MX Red and Brown switches to cater to various gaming needs and preferences. You can explore our high-quality keyboards and find the one that best suits your gaming style by visiting our website at Whether you’re into fast-paced shooters or strategic RPGs, having the right type of keyboard switch can enhance your gaming experience significantly.